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- Rotary Table Tilting 4" Tilts Up to 90 Degrees 4 Tee Slots Next Day Delivery
Rotary Table Tilting 4" Tilts Up to 90 Degrees 4 Tee Slots Next Day Delivery
4" Tilting Rotary Table
ParcelForce 24 (1-2 Days)
On All Orders Before 2.30pm
Rotary table tilts between 0-90 Degrees and also can be locked at any position
Table Diameter 100mm
Table is graduated 360 Degrees
1:36 Ratio - 1 handle rotation turns the table by 10 degrees
Vertical Center Height - 66mm Approx
Can be mounted in both Horizontal and Vertical Position
Base - Approx 140mm x 115mm |
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